Brescia’s Tourist Tax Rise: A Threat to Its Tourism Industry?

The implementation of a tourist tax in Italy, particularly in the charming city of Brescia, has sparked widespread discussion about its potential impact on the local tourism industry. As cities across Italy grapple with the balance between welcoming tourists and managing the costs they impose on local infrastructure and services, Brescia has become a focal point of this debate. The tourist tax, or “imposta di soggiorno,” is designed to help offset these costs, but it raises concerns among stakeholders in the hospitality sector, including B&Bs, holiday rentals, and platforms like Airbnb, Booking, and Expedia, about how it might affect their businesses and the overall appeal of Brescia as a tourist destination.

This article will delve into the intricacies of the Brescia tourism tax, assessing its economic impact and its potential to alter tourism trends in the area. By comparing the contribution of minority sectors like holiday rentals and short rentals to the broader hospitality industry, including their comparison to five-star hotels, we aim to provide a comprehensive analysis of how this tax might influence the future of tourism in Brescia. From the economic implications for local businesses to shifts in tourist behavior post-tax implementation, we seek to offer insights into whether the Brescia tourist tax serves as a necessary tool for sustainability or poses a threat to the industry’s vitality.

Overview of Brescia’s Tourism Industry

Brescia, a city in northern Italy’s Lombardy region, boasts a thriving tourism industry driven by its rich cultural heritage and proximity to popular destinations like Lake Garda. [1] The city receives around 1.5 million visitors annually, attracting a diverse range of tourists, including cultural and historical enthusiasts, outdoor adventurers, and culinary aficionados. [1]

Current Tourism Statistics

According to recent data, the majority of visitors to Brescia come from other parts of Italy and Europe. [1] The city’s well-preserved old town, featuring numerous historical and architectural landmarks such as the Brescia Cathedral, Basilica of San Salvatore, and Piazza della Loggia, is a major draw for tourists. [1]

Key Attractions and Visitor Demographics

Brescia’s top attractions include the Brescia Castle, Roman ruins, and the Museo di Santa Giulia, which houses a collection of ancient artifacts and artworks. 1[1] The city’s visitor demographics are diverse, catering to a mix of interests, from cultural and historical exploration to outdoor activities and culinary experiences. [1]

The city’s proximity to popular destinations like Lake Garda further enhances its appeal as a tourist destination. [1] Brescia’s tourism industry plays a vital role in its economy, contributing significantly to the city’s overall economic well-being. [1]

Assessment of the New Tourist Tax

Details of the Tax Increase
Padua, Brescia, Rome, and Naples have chosen to raise their tourist tax rates to address issues related to tourism. [2] The rates and methods of application for the tourist tax vary from place to place and can depend on various factors such as the category and duration of the stay, the season, the age of the tourists, and so on. Generally, the tax is calculated based on the number of overnight stays and can be applied per person or per room. [2]

In Brescia, the city has announced summer increases in response to overtourism pressures, starting from July 1, 2024. [2] The new rates for Brescia are as follows:

Comparative Analysis Brescia with Other Cities

Category Tourist Tax per person per night
from july 01 2024
Five-star hotels 3,50 €
Four-star hotels 3,00 €
Three-star hotels 2,50 €
Two-star hotels 2,00 €
One-star hotels 2,00 €
Holiday homes 3,00 €
Tourist rentals (250% increase) 3,50 €
Houses and apartments for vacations (250% increase) 3,50 €
Youth hostels 1,50 €
Lombardy guesthouses 1,50 €
Inns 1,50 €
Bed & Breakfast 2,50 €
Farm stays 2,00 €
Outdoor accommodation and others 1,50 €

To provide context, here are the tourist taxes for some other major Italian tourist destinations:

Rome: 1-star hotel: €4.00 per night, 2-star hotel: €5.00 per night, 3-star hotel: €6.00 per night, 4-star hotel: €7.50 per night, 5-star hotel: €10.00 per night. [2]

Naples: 1-star hotel: €2.00 per night, 2-star hotel: €2.50 per night, 3-star hotel: €3.50 per night, 4-star hotel: €4.50 per night, 5-star hotel: €5.00 per night. [2]

Padua: €0.50 to €1.50 depending on the type and level of accommodation. [2]
In Padua, the increase will apply to hotels starting from July 2024, with a rise of €0.5 for establishments rated three stars and above. For other accommodations, the rate will be €2 per person per night, up to a maximum of five consecutive nights. [2]

Similarly, in Rome, the tourist tax for luxury hotels has been increased to ten euros in preparation for the Jubilee of 2025, aiming to manage the influx of visitors and improve tourist services. The increase entails rates ranging from €3.00 to €10.00 per person per night, depending on the classification of the accommodation. [2]

Naples has also revised its tourist tax upwards, with prices varying based on the category of the accommodation and potentially increasing further. The surcharge is €3 per person per night, from June 1 to September 15, 2024, for a maximum period of 5 nights. [2]

Economic Impact Analysis

The implementation of the tourist tax in Brescia and other Italian cities aims to address the challenges posed by overtourism, while generating revenue to enhance services, infrastructure, and preserve cultural and natural heritage. [3] These measures, though criticized for potentially discouraging tourism, are part of a broader effort to promote sustainable tourism practices. [3]

Short-term vs long-term effects

In the short term, the tourist tax increase may impact visitor numbers and spending, particularly in price-sensitive markets. [4] For instance, an additional €40 tax on an average hotel bill, combined with rising costs, could lead families to reduce their spending elsewhere in the local economy. [4] However, in the long run, the revenue generated from the tax can be reinvested in improving tourist services, preserving cultural and environmental assets, and promoting events and activities that enhance the overall visitor experience. [3]

Impact on local businesses

The introduction of the tourist tax may pose challenges for local businesses, particularly in areas heavily reliant on the tourism industry. [4] In regions like Cornwall, where one in five jobs is supported by the tourism sector, the administrative and collection processes for the tax could be complex and expensive. [4] Additionally, any measures that discourage consumers from booking hotel stays could potentially cripple businesses in the hospitality industry, leading to job losses. [4]

However, it is crucial to recognize the pivotal role that hospitality and leisure businesses play in local communities. [4] Many of these establishments serve as community spaces, providing workspaces, conference rooms, meeting places, local eateries, and even emergency accommodation. [4] Protecting and supporting these businesses is essential for preserving the fabric of local communities and ensuring their continued economic vitality. [4]

While the tourist tax may present short-term challenges, it is essential to strike a balance between supporting the hospitality sector’s recovery post-COVID-19 and post-Brexit, and addressing the environmental and infrastructural impacts of overtourism. [4]Sustainable tourism practices that harmonize the needs of visitors, residents, and local businesses are crucial for the long-term success of destinations like Brescia.

Tourism Trends Post-Tax Implementation

Tourism is an already well-consolidated sector that involves the exchange and consumption of goods and services, making it susceptible to various changes. [3] Since the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism industry has faced significant challenges, and the real damages will be quantifiable in a few years, when the threat of the pandemic hopefully subsides. [3]

Changes in Visitor Numbers

Research shows that the academic sector and public governance should act quickly to seek appropriate and useful solutions, as well as concrete proposals for safe travel, to help recover the tourism industry after the crisis. [3] The implementation of tourist taxes in cities like Padua, Brescia, Rome, and Naples is part of a broader strategy to address issues related to tourism and ensure sustainable management of local resources. [3]

While these measures aim to generate additional revenue for improving services and infrastructure, they have been criticized for potentially discouraging tourism. [4] Other cities like Paris, Amsterdam, Iceland, and Greece have also implemented similar measures, such as increasing tourist taxes or introducing entry fees, to combat overtourism and address the environmental impact of tourism. [4]

Adaptation Strategies by the Tourism Sector

To mitigate the disastrous effects of COVID-19 on the tourism sector, various measures have been proposed based on a multidisciplinary approach focusing on planning, business management, tourism governance, and sociological impact. [3] The research suggests that the academic sector and public governance should collaborate to develop appropriate solutions and concrete proposals for safe travel, helping the tourism industry recover after the crisis. [3]

Italian cities like Venice, Capri, and Florence have implemented strategies such as entry fees, landing taxes, and expanded limited traffic zones to regulate tourist flow and preserve the quality of life for residents. [4] The tourist tax has significantly contributed to municipal finances in 2023, demonstrating its importance in the budgets of tourist cities. [4] These cities are working towards sustainable tourism, striving to balance hospitality, environmental conservation, and harmonious coexistence between visitors and residents while respecting cultural and natural heritage. [4]


The discourse surrounding the introduction of a tourist tax in Brescia underscores the city’s dynamic engagement with sustainable tourism, balancing the needs of visitors and residents while ensuring the long-term viability of local infrastructure and cultural heritage.

It is imperative to acknowledge the disproportionate impact such policies can have on varied sectors of the tourism industry, especially on minority segments like tourist rentals. These entities, while constituting a smaller fraction of the hospitality spectrum when compared to five-star hotels, contribute significantly to Brescia’s economic and cultural richness, enhancing the visitor experience with personalized accommodations and authentic local interactions.

As the city of Brescia and its stakeholders navigate the complexities of tourism taxation and its ramifications, it is crucial for the local government and the tourism industry to consider the nuanced impacts on all sectors within the tourism industry, striving for equitable solutions that bolster sustainable growth. Efforts to mitigate the economic burden on smaller tourism contributors, such as tourist rentals, underscore the need for collaboration and innovation in sustaining Brescia’s appeal as a premier tourist destination.

To keep tourism accessible and support the resilience of the short rental sector, a gesture of solidarity on our behalf is extended: call direct +39 347 1271745 or visit, where we commit to sharing the burden of the tourist tax hike by paying half the €3.50 tax on your behalf * until the Comune di Brescia revisits the tourist tax scheme, ensuring an enjoyable and affordable visit to our beloved city.

If you disagree with the unfair treatment of minority tourism sectors in Brescia, sign their petition on to make the tax burden fairer for hard-working hosts who put their heart and soul into making you feel welcome when you visit Brescia.


What exactly is a tourist tax in Italy?
In Italy, a tourist tax is a fee imposed on visitors who stay in various types of accommodations, including hotels, bed and breakfasts, campsites, and guesthouses. This tax is collected to help fund local tourist-related services, infrastructure, and cultural or promotional activities.

What are the consequences of not paying the tourist tax in Italy?
If you do not pay the tourist tax in Italy, local authorities will enforce payment. Failure to pay this tax can result in penalties, such as being charged double the amount of the tax initially due.

Can you explain what a tourist tax is?
A tourist tax is a charge levied on visitors by some countries or cities when they stay in accommodations for a short period. This tax is most commonly encountered in the US and Europe and is typically a nominal fee charged per night.

How much does one pay for tourist tax in Italy in 2024?
The tourist tax in Italy for the year 2024 varies depending on the city. The daily rate per person can range from €1 to €7. In tourist-heavy cities like Rome, the rate is between €3 and €7 per day, while in Milan, the rates are slightly lower, ranging from €2 to €5 per day.

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We are open for bookings again, Enjoy the events going on in Brescia 2023

Italy’s Hidden Gem: Brescia, the Capital of Culture 

Brescia, a vibrant city in the Lombardy region of Italy, is not just known for its rich history and stunning architecture. It is also a hub of cultural activity, hosting a wide range of events throughout the year. As the capital of culture for 2023, Brescia is set to showcase its artistic and creative prowess to the world. From music festivals and art exhibitions to sports events and culinary celebrations, Brescia offers something for everyone. So, let’s dive into the exciting calendar of events in Brescia for the upcoming year.

Bergamo and Brescia: Italian Capitals of Culture 2023

In 2023, Brescia shares the prestigious title of Italian Capital of Culture with its neighboring city, Bergamo. This joint celebration aims to promote cultural diversity and revive the spirit of these two enchanting cities. The festivities kick off on January 20th with an inauguration event that symbolizes the future and the power of cultural exchange. Institutions, organizations, and foundations come together to create a synergy of intentions, highlighting the importance of innovation, tolerance, and acceptance. With parallel presentations on connected stages, the Enlightened City project sets the stage for a year filled with artistic marvels.

Art and Culture: Exhibitions and Performances

Brescia is a haven for art enthusiasts, with a plethora of exhibitions and performances taking place throughout the year. The GAMeC (Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art) in Bergamo presents “Rachel Whiteread… And the animals were sold,” an exhibition by the celebrated English artist exploring the relationship between the present and the past. Meanwhile, the Accademia Carrara showcases “Peaks of light: Naoki Ishikawa on the Bergamesque Alps,” a captivating display of nineteenth-century paintings and contemporary photographs.

The Teatro Tascabile in Bergamo presents “The Harlequin’s Cloak,” a theater and participatory art festival featuring renowned international artists such as Kaarina Kaikkonen and Vero Cendoya. In Brescia, the Centro Teatrale Bresciano commemorates the centenary of Italo Calvino’s birth with “The invisible cities. The future is a duty,” a visionary show featuring performances by twenty talented artists.

Musical Extravaganza: Festivals and Concerts
Brescia comes alive with the sound of music throughout the year, hosting a variety of festivals and concerts that cater to different musical tastes. The Festa della Music in Bergamo and Brescia celebrates local artists and offers a diverse range of performances, from classical to contemporary. The Lazzaretto Estate 2023 festival in Bergamo presents fifteen evenings of enchanting music, featuring renowned artists such as Madame, Snarky Puppy, Pat Metheny, Francesca Michielin, and Jethro Tull.

The Cipiesse review in Brescia brings talented musicians like Mr Rain, Coma Cose, Dardast, and Steve Hackett to the stage. Jazz enthusiasts can indulge in the Festival Jazz on the road in Brescia, featuring performances by Jonathan Coel & Artchipel Orchestra, Dave Holland “New Quartet,” Bill Frisell “Four,” and Serena Brancale Quartet. For those seeking a mix of electronic, pop, and experimental music, the Sub Limen festival offers six contemporary performances that push the boundaries of musical genres.

Sports and Recreation: Engaging Events for All

Sports lovers will find plenty to cheer about in Brescia, as the city hosts a range of events that showcase athleticism and provide entertainment for spectators. The Italian International Fire and Rescue Exhibition and the Italy International Fire and Rescue Exhibition, both held in Montichiari, offer an exciting glimpse into the world of security and defense. These exhibitions bring together industry professionals and highlight the latest advancements in firefighting and emergency response.

For outdoor enthusiasts, the Market and Exchange Exhibition in Montichiari is a must-visit event. This exhibition caters to vintage car and motorcycle enthusiasts, featuring exhibitions, sales, and exchanges of spare parts and accessories. Additionally, the Motors Festival offers adrenaline-pumping displays of speed and power, showcasing the latest developments in the field of medical and pharmaceutical technology.

Culinary Delights: Food and Wine Festivals

Brescia is a gastronomic paradise, and it comes alive with an array of food and wine festivals that celebrate the region’s culinary heritage. The city hosts the Fazi Italian Agricultural Zootechnical Fair, where visitors can indulge in delicious local products and learn about traditional farming practices. The TurismoNatura show promotes eco-sustainable tourism, featuring exhibitors from hotels, agritourisms, and campsites that prioritize sustainability and offer quality experiences to travelers.

Wine lovers should not miss the VinItaly festival in Verona, where they can sample a wide selection of wines and spirits from over 4,000 exhibitors. This event provides an opportunity to discover the best wines on an international level and learn from experts through tastings, masterclasses, and conferences.

Hospitality and Accommodation: Your Stay in Brescia

To fully immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Brescia, it is essential to find comfortable accommodation in the heart of the city. Whether you prefer luxury hotels or cozy apartments, Brescia offers a range of options to suit every traveler’s needs. You can book your stay directly with us on  Airbnb,, or Expedia.

For those seeking a home-like experience, short-rental studio flats are a popular choice. These accommodations provide a comfortable and convenient base for exploring the city’s attractions and attending the various events happening throughout the year.

Plan Your Visit: Embrace the Magic of Brescia

With its rich cultural heritage, vibrant arts scene, and exciting events, Brescia is a city that captivates visitors from around the world. Whether you are an art enthusiast, a music lover, a sports fan, or a foodie, Brescia offers a diverse range of experiences that will leave you wanting more. So, mark your calendars and start planning your visit to Brescia, the Capital of Culture for 2023. Immerse yourself in the beauty, history, and warmth of this enchanting city, and create memories that will last a lifetime.


CALL/WhatsApp: + 39 347 1271745

Our studio flats in Brescia will be closed from the 18/07 to the 21/08 for holidays

Dear valued guests,

We would like to inform you that our studio flats in Brescia will be temporarily closed from the 18/07 to the 21/08 for our annual holiday break. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and wanted to ensure that you are aware of this closure when planning your stay in Brescia.

At our studio flats, we strive to provide the highest level of service and comfort to our guests. Our properties have become popular choices for travelers seeking short stay rentals in Brescia, and we are grateful for the support and positive feedback we have received from our guests.

Whether you found us through Airbnb,, VRBO, or any other platform, we take pride in offering a warm and welcoming environment for all guests. Our studio flats are designed to meet the needs of modern travelers, providing a comfortable and convenient space for both leisure and business stays.

While we understand that many visitors are keen to explore the beautiful city of Brescia during this time, we kindly ask for your understanding as we take this short break to recharge and prepare for the next wave of guests. We want to ensure that our team is able to provide the same level of exceptional service that our guests have come to expect.

During our closure period, we will not be accepting any new bookings or reservations. However, if you have any urgent inquiries or require assistance during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team. We will do our best to assist you in any way we can.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your continued support and trust in our studio flats in Brescia. We are committed to providing outstanding accommodations and service, and we look forward to welcoming you back after our holiday break.

Thank you once again for choosing our studio flats for your short-stay rental needs in Brescia. We appreciate your understanding and wish you a pleasant stay in Brescia.

Best regards,

Mark and Monica

February 2023: What’s new in our studio flats in Brescia


Our team is excited to announce that we have installed new energy-efficient radiators in our Brixia studio flat! We know that our guests care about being eco-friendly, and we are committed to providing sustainable accommodation options. We are also proud to announce that our studio flats have been awarded the prestigious 2023 Traveller Review Award for being one of the most exciting up-and-coming accommodation options in Brescia!

We have also installed a new washing machine in the Cidneo studio flat and new improved smart televisions in the Brixia studio flat. We know that our guests appreciate having the latest and greatest amenities, and we are committed to providing them. We are also excited to announce that Brescia the culture capital of Italy in 2023 has officially started and every weekend is full of exciting events, which you cannot miss! We hope that our guests will take advantage of all the cultural events that will be taking place in the city. Our flats are the perfect logistics to enjoy this marvellous year of events.


The latest and greatest: what’s new in our studio flats in Brescia?

We are proud to announce that we have upgraded our studio flats in Brescia with the latest and greatest technologies. Our new energy-efficient radiators guarantee top-notch comfort and heating, no matter what time of year you are visiting. We’ve also installed an extra washing machine and improved smart TV while we’ve maintained the usual quality of our kitchenettes, bathrooms, and shared spaces. We want to keep up with the latest trends to guarantee that our guests are always happy and comfortable in their studio flats in Brescia. We understand the importance of sustainability and for that reason, we’ve gone even further in our mission to make sure that our studio flats are impeccably clean, energy efficient, and environmentally friendly. We are committed to taking the necessary measures to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a greener world.

How we’ve tailored our studio flats to meet the needs of busy people like you

We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy a comfortable stay in Brescia, which is why we have carefully tailored our studio flats to meet the needs of those on the go. Our studio flats feature all the necessary equipment that business travellers, couples, students, health tourism, and solo adventurers need, such as high-speed wifi, fully-equipped kitchenettes, and more. We also know that convenience is key for those visiting the city, so we’ve gone the extra mile to make sure that our studio flats are located close to public transportation, supermarkets, and other local amenities. Our team is also available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you might have during your stay in Brescia. We want to make sure your experience with us is nothing short of perfect.

What’s included in our studio flats in Brescia?

Our studio flats in Brescia feature all the luxurious amenities you would expect in a modern and up-to-date accommodation experience. Each studio flat includes a fully-equipped kitchenette, with built-in appliances, and a living area with a television. Moreover, the space comes with a comfortable double bed, fresh linens that are replaced after every stay, and plenty of storage space. We also provide free high-speed wifi, a weekly cleaning service, and 24/7 access to customer service. Furthermore, we supply all of our studio flats with complimentary toiletries, tea, and coffee. We understand the importance of providing our guests with a top-notch home away from home experience and are committed to making sure that your stay in Brescia is nothing but an absolute success.

How to make the most of your studio flat in Brescia

To make the most of your stay in Brescia, we recommend visiting some of the city’s many attractions. Whether you are interested in strolling through the city’s vibrant market squares, exploring its cobblestone streets, or visiting the many art galleries, there is something for everyone. We also suggest dining in some of the city’s unique eateries, tasting some of the region’s finest wines, or taking a day-trip to the nearby lakes. Moreover, take advantage of the non-stop nightlife, and make sure to wander off the beaten path to discover the true beauty and charm of this Italian city.


What our customers are saying about our studio flats in Brescia

Our studio flats in Brescia have been immensely popular amongst both business travellers and leisure guests alike. Customers love the fact that all the needed amenities are included in the rate and appreciate the convenient location, which makes it easy to explore the city without having to worry about travel distances. Moreover, customers have praised the high-speed wifi, the modern interior décor, and the spacious yet cosy rooms. We are continuously striving to exceed our guest’s expectations, and we are thrilled to see that our hard work and commitment to providing top-notch accommodation options are paying off.

We have been awarded by Booking: Traveller Review Award 2023

Well, what a day today! It was a lovely surprise to receive this prestigious award from Booking via email. This is quite a result for myself and my wife, it gives us even more energy to excel in this new business that we have started learning in September 2022. Here is the authentic certificate:

the kind letter sent to us by


Book your stay now on booking:


Via Gezio Calini Studio Flats Now available on Airbnb

How many of you know the city of Brescia? The city is coming to life for next year’s ‘Brescia Capitale Della Cultura’ with Bergamo. I just would like to inform you that I have launched 2 elegant studio flats in the historical heart of Brescia on the Airbnb platform.

‘Brixia’ Studio Flat AirBnB

‘Cidneo’ Studio Flat AirBnB

#hospitality #brescia #capitaledellacultura #visitbrescia Airbnb


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